November 2, 2006 - UBS Hong Kong Open organisers are preparing to roll out the red carpet for the tournament’s first ever champion – the legendary Lu Liang Huan.
The famous "Mr Lu", who put Asian golf on the world map when he finished runner-up to Lee Trevino in the 1971 British Open, has accepted an…
November 2, 2006 - UBS Hong Kong Open organisers are preparing to roll out the red carpet for the tournament’s first ever champion – the legendary Lu Liang Huan.
The famous "Mr Lu", who put Asian golf on the world map when he finished runner-up to Lee Trevino in the 1971 British Open, has accepted an…
October 12, 2006 - Three-time US PGA Tour winner KJ Choi has joined the stellar line-up for next month’s UBS Hong Kong Open.
The Korean ace will be aiming to go one better in the US$2 million showpiece after finishing joint second a year ago behind winner Colin Montgomerie.
"My game is in pretty good shape at…
October 12, 2006 - Three-time US PGA Tour winner KJ Choi has joined the stellar line-up for next month’s UBS Hong Kong Open.
The Korean ace will be aiming to go one better in the US$2 million showpiece after finishing joint second a year ago behind winner Colin Montgomerie.
"My game is in pretty good shape at…
October 27, 2006 - Swedish sensation Niclas Fasth, former champion Simon Dyson and fans’ favourite Nick Dougherty are the latest stars to be confirmed for next month’s US$2 million UBS Hong Kong Open.
The trio – all proven winners on the European Tour – are sure to be among the favourites for the November 16-19 showpiece…
October 27, 2006 - Swedish sensation Niclas Fasth, former champion Simon Dyson and fans’ favourite Nick Dougherty are the latest stars to be confirmed for next month’s US$2 million UBS Hong Kong Open.
The trio – all proven winners on the European Tour – are sure to be among the favourites for the November 16-19 showpiece…
October 31, 2006 - The chances of a first Asian triumph in the UBS Hong Kong Open since 1998 have received a massive boost following stunning overseas victories for two of the event’s marquee players, Jeev Milkha Singh and KJ Choi.
Indian ace Singh registered the biggest win of his career on Sunday in the European…
October 31, 2006 - The chances of a first Asian triumph in the UBS Hong Kong Open since 1998 have received a massive boost following stunning overseas victories for two of the event’s marquee players, Jeev Milkha Singh and KJ Choi.
Indian ace Singh registered the biggest win of his career on Sunday in the European…
二零零六年十月十六日 - 高球名將古信(Retief Goosen)及甘寶(Michael Campbell)繼雙雙贏得亞洲巡迴賽賽事的冠亞軍後,二人將於下月來港,力爭總獎金額高達200萬美元的瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽寶座。
二人同時於周日(2006年10月15日)假中國舉行的「Volkswagen Masters高球賽」施展渾身解數,南非好手古信,連繼兩年贏得冠軍寶座,紐西蘭名將甘寶名列亞軍。
其他參賽好手包括再度來港衛冕的蒙哥馬利(Colin Montgomerie)、PGA巡迴賽球星崔京周(KJ Choi)、現時名列亞洲第一的辛格(Jeev Milkha Singh),以及中國頂級球手梁文沖。
古信對於在海南三亞亞龍灣高爾夫球會舉行的「Volkswagen Masters高球賽」三次取得錦標,顯得格外興奮。
另外,甘寶為2005年美國公開賽的盟主,於首4洞打出兩個「柏忌」,及後打出低於標準杆4杆的68杆成績;蘇格蘭球手戴恩(Simon Dunn)同時打出68杆,唯最後仍有所不敵,名列季軍。
「對於兩位高球好手雙雙來港作賽,對瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽簡直是一個妙絕的喜訊。」賽事推廣商Parallel Media Group的Martin Capstick表示。
賽事於1959年首度舉辦,歷屆冠軍盟主多不勝數,主要奪標好手包括湯臣(Peter Thomson)、諾曼(Greg Norman)、蘭格(Bernhard Langer)、沃特森(Tom Watson)以及
奧拉沙保(José Maria Olazábal)。
October 16, 2006 - Major winners Retief Goosen and Michael Campbell will head into next month’s US$2 million UBS Hong Kong Open on a high after another one-two finish on the Asian Tour.
The duo showed their world-class credentials at the Volkswagen Masters-China on Sunday (October 15, 2006) when, for the second successive year, South African…
二零零六年十月九日 - 羅爾(Edward Loar)、京士頓(James Kingston) 及林根基(Lin Keng Chi)三位高球好手,於周末賽事取得好成績,並同時宣佈參予將於下月假粉嶺舉行的瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽,展示非凡球技。
美國左手球星羅爾及南非好手京士頓,於蘇格蘭舉行的「Alfred Dunhill Links Championship」分別取得並列第二收杆及第八名的成績,而台灣老將林根基則於台灣公開賽高踞殿軍位置。
該三位星級好手於去年瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽中名列前茅,僅以一杆之差敗給蒙哥馬利(Colin Montgomerie)。
羅爾成功打入於聖安德魯舉行的「Alfred Dunhill Links Championship」總決賽,與其他世界超級球手一同對壘,成為其比賽事業的焦點。
聯同主要王者艾斯爾(Ernie Els)及維杰辛(Vijay Singh),同以發出低於標準杆2杆的70杆,最後雖不敵勇奪冠軍的愛爾蘭球星夏靈頓(Padraig Harrington),但過程令其振奮。
羅爾於前九洞打出四個小鳥,名列首位,唯於後九洞稍為回落,與威爾斯的Bradley Dredge及英國的Anthony Wall同踞亞軍位置。
今年總獎金達200萬美元的瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽,於11月16至19日假座粉嶺哥爾夫球會舉行,賽事再次被歐洲巡迴賽及亞洲巡迴賽共同承認,並由Parallel Media Group擔任賽事推廣商。
主辦商廣邀頂級球星參予賽事,包括再度來港衛冕的蒙哥馬利、古信(Retief Goosen)及甘寶(Michael Campbell)已落實參賽。
現時高踞亞巡賽瑞銀獎金排行榜榜首的辛格(Jeev Milkha Singh)及中國好手梁文沖皆會來港作賽。
October 9, 2006 - UBS Hong Kong Open contenders Edward Loar, James Kingston and Lin Keng Chi have shown they are in great form ahead of next month’s Fanling showpiece with a trio of top-10 finishes in high-profile tournaments at the weekend.
American left-hander Loar finished joint second and South African star Kingston was tied for…