November 19, 2006 - Liang Wenchong produced a truly golden moment in the final round of the UBS Hong Kong Open on Sunday with a stunning hole-in-one.
The Chinese star delighted the galleries when he aced the 140-yard par-three 12th hole at the Hong Kong Golf Club in Fanling.
"I hit a very good nine-iron and it…
November 19, 2006 - Liang Wenchong produced a truly golden moment in the final round of the UBS Hong Kong Open on Sunday with a stunning hole-in-one.
The Chinese star delighted the galleries when he aced the 140-yard par-three 12th hole at the Hong Kong Golf Club in Fanling.
"I hit a very good nine-iron and it…
November 19, 2006 - Jeev Milkha Singh capped a brilliant year by securing the Asian Tour’s UBS Order of Merit title on Sunday.
The Indian ace collected US$103,333 for finishing joint third at the UBS Hong Kong Open, taking his season earnings to US$573,442 – more than US$207,000 ahead of his nearest challenger, Prom Meesawat of…
November 19, 2006 - Jeev Milkha Singh capped a brilliant year by securing the Asian Tour’s UBS Order of Merit title on Sunday.
The Indian ace collected US$103,333 for finishing joint third at the UBS Hong Kong Open, taking his season earnings to US$573,442 – more than US$207,000 ahead of his nearest challenger, Prom Meesawat of…
November 19, 2006 - José Manuel Lara breathed a huge sigh of relief after securing his maiden European Tour title with a thrilling one-shot victory in the US$2 million UBS Hong Kong Open on Sunday.
The Spaniard carded a one-under-par 69 to edge out Filipino rookie Juvic Pagunsan after a nail-biting duel over the closing holes…
November 19, 2006 - José Manuel Lara breathed a huge sigh of relief after securing his maiden European Tour title with a thrilling one-shot victory in the US$2 million UBS Hong Kong Open on Sunday.
The Spaniard carded a one-under-par 69 to edge out Filipino rookie Juvic Pagunsan after a nail-biting duel over the closing holes…
November 21, 2006 - Record crowds, a thrilling finish and a list of winners that extended beyond new champion José Manuel Lara – the 2006 UBS Hong Kong Open left everyone with a reason to smile.
More than 10,000 fans packed into the Hong Kong Golf Club at Fanling for Sunday’s final round, taking the total…
November 21, 2006 - Record crowds, a thrilling finish and a list of winners that extended beyond new champion José Manuel Lara – the 2006 UBS Hong Kong Open left everyone with a reason to smile.
More than 10,000 fans packed into the Hong Kong Golf Club at Fanling for Sunday’s final round, taking the total…
二零零六年十一月一日- 不論誰是下月瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽的新一屆盟主,慈善活動將會是最大的贏家。
活動所籌得的所有善款,將全數撥款以香港為基地的慈善機構Operation Santa Claus,造福社群。
同時,賽事推廣商Parallel Media Group更會將25%的門票收入撥捐公益。
冠名贊助商瑞銀集團將根據大會的「小鳥」紀錄撥捐善款,並將於Event Village內的告示板張貼所籌得的善款數字。
所有到場的球迷,只需付出少許參加費用,更可競猜整個賽事的「小鳥」總數,所得善款將直接撥捐Operation Santa Claus,得獎者將可贏取迷你金條作為2006年賽事紀念。
同樣設於Event Village的瑞銀Simulator Challenge挑戰賽,將開放予所有到場嘉賓,只需捐出少許參加費用予Operation Santa Claus,參加者便可於「最接近球洞」測試一下自己的高球技術。
「為球迷帶來歡樂固然是我們办頂級高球賽事的宗旨,社會的關注對賽事也甚重要。」Parallel Media Group的Martin Capstick 表示。
「去年,賽事為Operation Santa Claus籌得港幣225,000善款(約29,000美元),反應熱烈。今年,我們繼續得到各贊助商、球手及大家的支持,我們希望能打破這個善款數字,創造佳績。」
今年的瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽,頂尖名將雲集粉嶺,計有再度來港衛冕的蒙哥馬利(Colin Montgomerie)、Major盟主古信(Retief Goosen)及甘寶(Michael Campbell)、於美國發展的韓國好手崔京周(KJ Choi)、瑞銀亞巡賽獎金榜排名第一的辛格(Jeev Milkha Singh),以及中國首席好手梁文沖。
高球初學者更可嘗試「SNAG Golf」,特大的高爾夫球、容易控制的球桿以及練習對象,特別受小朋友及初學者歡迎。
另外,今年的Event Village位置將稍作改動,新址鄰近第18洞球道,並增設餐飲區及大電視直擊賽事,球迷更可於觀景台欣賞第18洞的景色。
November 1, 2006 - No matter who is crowned champion of this month’s UBS Hong Kong Open, charity will be the biggest winner.
A range of fund-raising activities involving sponsors, players and the public will take place during the star-studded tournament, to be staged at the Hong Kong Golf Club in Fanling on November 16-19.
All money…
二零零六年十一月三日 - 為數31名的香港高爾夫球健兒,將於11月6日(星期一)參加瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽首度舉辦的資格賽。
「這將是一個極具意義的歷史時刻,令香港公開賽真正『公開』予大家。」香港高爾夫球總會行政總裁Iain Valentine說。
有幸上陣 出线的香港球手,將會面對世界頂尖好手的迫人球技,包括再度來港衛冕的蒙哥馬利(Colin Montgomerie)、Major盟主古信(Retief Goosen)及甘寶(Michael Campbell),四屆PGA巡迴賽得主崔京周(KJ Choi)、瑞銀亞巡賽獎金榜榜首辛格(Jeev Milkha Singh)以及中國首席好手梁文沖。
於星期一首度舉行的資格賽,由費度亞洲系列賽(Faldo Series Asia)主辦,瑞銀集團贊助,參賽的年青業餘球手於賽事中所得的成績,將計入系列賽的總成績內。
貴為系列賽主辦人兼六屆Major盟主的費度(Nick Faldo),歡迎瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽舉辦資格賽。
November 3, 2006 - History will be made on Monday, November 6 when 31 Hong Kong golfers tee it up in the first ever UBS Hong Kong Open qualifying tournament.
The local hopefuls will play the Old Course at the Hong Kong Golf Club in Fanling in a straightforward 18-hole shootout for five slots in the…