學員劉奕崙表示很高興有機會向「星級教練」學習,更盛讚「梁sir」是位平易近人的老師,在活動中獲益不淺。瑞銀執行董事貝大為先生(David Boyd-Thomas)表示此活動是第二年舉行,透過籌劃高球教室或其他社區活動,讓社會不同階層的人受惠和享受高爾夫球運動。
傳媒查詢,請聯絡Elite Step Asia Limited黃嘉儀小組(電郵[email protected] / 電話: 9806 5353或2808 0767)或楊振邦先生(電郵[email protected] / 電話: 9491 8589 或2808 0377)
瑞銀除了在世界各地贊助不同文化及體育活動外,更積極參與慈善公益活動。適逄「瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽」舉行,藉著這個機會為「愛心聖誕大行動2010」(Operation Santa Claus)籌募善款,如在比賽期間出現一桿入洞,瑞銀便會捐出美金2萬元正,2000年香港高爾夫球公開賽冠軍戴臣(Simon Dyson)在第12 洞打出此驚人一擊,這不但是今屆賽事的首個一桿入洞,更是他職業生涯的第16次一桿入洞,不但震動賽事更加為「愛心聖誕大行動2010」籌得善款,別具意義。
瑞銀執行董事貝大為先生(David Boyd-Thomas)今日在場內著名的Pavillon舉行支票捐贈儀式,並由「愛心聖誕大行動2010」代表柯文傑先生代為接受。此外瑞銀亦在場內設有「最遠距離推桿挑戰」,參加者只需捐出港幣10元正,便可為「愛心聖誕大行動2010」出一分力,讓更多有需要兒童受惠。
(左至右): 「愛心聖誕大行動2010」代表柯文傑先生、2000年香港高爾夫球公開賽冠軍戴臣及瑞銀執行董事貝大為先生進行善款支票捐贈儀式。
傳媒查詢,請聯絡Elite Step Asia Limited黃嘉儀小組(電郵[email protected] / 電話: 9806 5353或2808 0767)或楊振邦先生(電郵[email protected] / 電話: 9491 8589 或2808 0377)
Thursday, 18 November 2010:
New Zealander Mark Brown carded the lowest round of his professional career to lead the UBS Hong Kong Open from a world-class chasing pack that includes the Northern Irish superstars Rory McIlroy and Graeme McDowell.
McIlroy and US Open Champion McDowell posted respective scores 63 and 65 to open their bids to win…
Thursday, 18 November 2010:
New Zealander Mark Brown carded the lowest round of his professional career to lead the UBS Hong Kong Open from a world-class chasing pack that includes the Northern Irish superstars Rory McIlroy and Graeme McDowell.
McIlroy and US Open Champion McDowell posted respective scores 63 and 65 to open their bids to win…
Wednesday, 17 November 2010:
He may be 6000 miles from his native Holywood, Northern Ireland, but Rory McIlroy couldn’t feel more at home at this week’s UBS Hong Kong Open.
Speaking after his Wednesday Pro-Am at the Hong Kong Golf Club, the 21 year old star, who has finished second for the past two years at Fanling,…
Wednesday, 17 November 2010:
He may be 6000 miles from his native Holywood, Northern Ireland, but Rory McIlroy couldn’t feel more at home at this week’s UBS Hong Kong Open.
Speaking after his Wednesday Pro-Am at the Hong Kong Golf Club, the 21 year old star, who has finished second for the past two years at Fanling,…
Tuesday, 16 November 2010:
Some of the world’s leading golfers visited UBS headquarters in Hong Kong this afternoon to help tee off the 2010 UBS Hong Kong Open. Appearing at today’s press launch were Ryder Cup stars, Rory McIlroy and Graeme McDowell, defending Hong Kong Open champion, Grégory Bourdy, PGA Tour star, John Daly, and China’s…
Tuesday, 16 November 2010:
Some of the world’s leading golfers visited UBS headquarters in Hong Kong this afternoon to help tee off the 2010 UBS Hong Kong Open. Appearing at today’s press launch were Ryder Cup stars, Rory McIlroy and Graeme McDowell, defending Hong Kong Open champion, Grégory Bourdy, PGA Tour star, John Daly, and China’s…
Tuesday, 16 November 2010:
Star Players and VIP guests launch the UBS Hong Kong Open at UBS headquarters in the centre of Hong Kong yesterday (Tuesday).
The UBS Hong Kong Open burst to life in the centre of Hong Kong yesterday (Tuesday) with a traditional Chinese Lion Dance greeting star players Grégory Bourdy, John Daly, Liang Wen-chong,…
Tuesday, 16 November 2010:
Star Players and VIP guests launch the UBS Hong Kong Open at UBS headquarters in the centre of Hong Kong yesterday (Tuesday).
The UBS Hong Kong Open burst to life in the centre of Hong Kong yesterday (Tuesday) with a traditional Chinese Lion Dance greeting star players Grégory Bourdy, John Daly, Liang Wen-chong,…
Thursday, 4 November 2010:
Colin Montgomerie, Miguel Angel Jiménez and Grégory Bourdy will lead the cast of former European champions to the Fanling stage at the forthcoming UBS Hong Kong Open.
Montgomerie, Europe’s victorious Ryder Cup Captain, and Jiménez, one of Monty’s star men in the unforgettable victory over the USA at Celtic Manor earlier this month,…
Thursday, 4 November 2010:
Colin Montgomerie, Miguel Angel Jiménez and Grégory Bourdy will lead the cast of former European champions to the Fanling stage at the forthcoming UBS Hong Kong Open.
Montgomerie, Europe’s victorious Ryder Cup Captain, and Jiménez, one of Monty’s star men in the unforgettable victory over the USA at Celtic Manor earlier this month,…